Finding a leader, independent work ideas, planning our meeting, winter squash
Update: TUESDAY, 8/23/2022 ~6pm
We switch our regular Monday workday to Tuesday in order to celebrate the St. Mary’s Church Founder’s Day.
To do: Harvest, measure, store the okra, beans, peppers
Weed the southern edge of the garden, remove weeds into Jason’s truck for composting
Continue hand weeding among the beans, peppers, and okra
Do not weed bed #2 where Tom planted kale and collard seed.
Independent work
Special thanks to Tom Thornton for planting kale and collard seed in bed #2 where the tomatoes used to be. We anticipate a lot of fall and winter greens. We have supplies for covering these beds for some season extension. Last year we harvested these greens that survived into the Spring. Maybe we will do that again.
Weeding: If you want to work independently we need help with weeds all of the time. If you weed lots of stuff, make distinct small piles that we can scoop out on the next work day.
Do not weed in bed #2 where Tom planted kale and collard seed.
Harvesting: We need help harvesting okra daily. Some of it is getting over grown. If you harvest okra (or any of our peppers or green beans), please refrigerate and deliver to the food pantry on Wednesday mornings.
Pay yourself: Feel free to pay yourself with some produce, flowers, and herbs. Just make sure to record the entire harvest for our records. Your pay is on the honor system.
If you have a large quantity of fresh produce to deliver and you do not have refrigerator space, please contact Jason and we can make plans.
Here are two special independent projects:
Walter Dykas worked hard to construct a building supply storage area. This picture is one iteration. It’s been re-positioned and stabilized and loaded up since our most recent work day.
Chris Johnson manages this robust sweet potato patch located outside the fence on the south side of the garden. Last year this patch provided many pounds of sweet potatoes. It’s shaping up to deliver large quantities this Fall also.
Fall Meeting Planning
Jason has started compiling agenda items to discuss at our end-of-summer / fall meeting. We hope to have a group meeting at a gardener’s house in the coming weeks. Please look for a doodle poll in email. We will choose the dates where growers are most likely to attend.
Here’s a link to the St. Mary’s Fall Garden Meeting 2022.
If you want to see something on this agenda, please email.
New Leadership
It’s been a good couple of years. It’s time for new leadership for 2023. If you are interested in helping organize the garden, please let Jason know so that we can add your name to the agenda.
We have almost hit the $3000 mark for this season!
Winter squashes are coming!
The Isidore and Maria garden on Dutch Valley road has an incredible quantity of butternut and candy roaster squash. They are maturing in the field. Get ready for a massive delivery!
I have a great picture of a few beautiful butternut squash from the Isidore and Maria garden (the website will not load the picture just yet. I will try to add it later).